15 Perfect Symptoms of Pregnancy That May Surprise You
Summary: Pregnancy is different for every woman, but some symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and mood swings are commonly experienced during the early stages. This blog will take through perfect symptoms of pregnancy. Some of them are common and a few of them will surprise you.
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Pregnancy is an incredible journey filled with new and unfamiliar experiences for your body. From the moment of conception, your hormones start shifting, and a whirlwind of symptoms can surface.
For many women, those first signs of pregnancy can be a confusing mix of subtle cues and evident physical changes. You might feel flu-like one day and overcome intense cravings the next. Hence, to make it easy for you, here are 15 perfect symptoms of pregnancy. Some of them are widely known, while others may surprise you. So, continue to read and clear all your doubts today.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Let’s begin some of the early signs of pregnancy that most of the women face:
1. Missed Period
Let’s start with the most classic pregnancy symptom – a missed period. When that monthly visitor doesn’t show up as scheduled, it’s often one of the first hints that you might be expecting. Of course, missed or irregular periods can happen for other reasons, too, but it’s definitely a sign that should perk up your pregnancy radar.
2. Nausea and Vomiting
Feeling sick to your stomach and throwing up are very common early pregnancy symptoms. Do you know nausea and vomiting affect around 70% of human pregnancies? Although it’s called “morning sickness,” these unpleasant queasiness and vomiting can happen anytime, day or night.
The sudden hormone changes in your body are the main cause. Don’t worry, for most pregnant women, the nausea and vomiting go away after the first 3 months. Check out these strategies that can help you to deal with nausea:

3. Fatigue and Exhaustion
Growing a tiny human is hard work! No wonder so many pregnant women feel utterly drained and exhausted, especially in those early months. Your body works overtime, producing more blood to nourish your little one. In fact, you must know that among the 605 pregnant women surveyed, 94.2% faced fatigue during pregnancy. So don’t feel guilty about hitting the couch for a couple of extra nap sessions.
4. Breast Changes
Your boobs will likely be among the first to get the memo that you’re pregnant. Thanks to surging hormones, you may notice tenderness, swelling, and darkening of the areolas (those circles around your nipples). It’s nature’s way of preparing your breasts for their new role as feeding stations! Yes, breastfeeding is something your body starts preparing for early on in pregnancy, even before your baby arrives.
5. Frequent Urination
You’re probably going to become very well acquainted with every bathroom in a 10-mile radius. Increased urination is a common early pregnancy symptom caused by the growing uterus putting extra pressure on your bladder.
Around 80 to 90% of women face the frequent urination at some moment during pregnancy. There are several reasons, such as HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) increasing urine production, the uterus expanding, pressure on the kidney, and more. Keep some spare toilet paper in your bag – just in case! Also, here are some tips to deal with it:

Other Common Pregnancy Symptoms
Now, after discussing the early 15 perfect symptoms of pregnancy, let’s move ahead and explore some of the common ones:
6. Food Cravings and Aversions
Pickles and ice cream for breakfast? Don’t be surprised if your taste buds start playing tricks on you during pregnancy. Around 2 out of 3 pregnant women have food cravings during pregnancy. Weird food cravings and sudden aversions to foods you once loved are for the course. Those haywire hormones are likely the culprits behind your urge to pair peanut butter with pickles!
A lot of women desire meat, particularly red meat, during pregnancy. This craving is generally a sign your body requires more protein and iron (red meat has high levels of both). Craving eggs while pregnant also indicates that your body requires more protein.
7. Mood Swings
Crying at a toilet paper commercial one minute, then snapping at your partner the next? Mood swings are prevalent when you’re expecting. The roller coaster of hormonal changes can seriously mess with your emotions and make you feel a little unpredictable. Try not to worry – it’s all part of the crazy pregnancy ride.
8. Headaches
If you’re experiencing more headaches than usual, you can likely thank the hormonal shifts and increased blood flow for that cramped feeling. Staying hydrated, getting enough rest, and avoiding headache triggers can help provide some relief. But don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if they become severe or persistent.
9. Mild Spotting
Do you sometimes notice a few drops of pinkish or brown discharge around the time your period is due? That could actually be an early hint that you’ve got a bun in the oven!
This light spotting, known as implantation bleeding, can occur when the newly fertilized egg burrows its way into the cushy lining of your uterus about 10-14 days after conception.
Not every mom-to-be experiences it, but if you do, it could be one of the first subtle signs that you’re pregnant before you even miss your next period. A little early pregnancy surprise!
10. Bloating and Constipation
That beautiful bump has to start somewhere, right? Increased levels of the hormone progesterone can lead to trapped gas, bloating, and constipation during pregnancy. Load up on fiber, drink plenty of fluids, and don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for tips to get things moving.
11. Dizziness and Lightheadedness
Thanks to the extra blood pumping through your body and those pesky hormones, you might occasionally feel a bit woozy or lightheaded. Ensure you’re eating regularly, staying hydrated, and getting up slowly from sitting or lying down. If the dizziness becomes severe or persistent, call your doctor.
Less Common Pregnancy Symptoms
Most of you must be aware of all the above-mentioned symptoms of pregnancy. They are quite common, right? However, there are also some lesser-known signs that can occur during pregnancy. Here are some of them:
12. Nasal Congestion
Do you know that around 30 percent of pregnant women experience nasal congestion during pregnancy, a condition often referred to as pregnancy rhinitis? Yes, it’s true. Pregnancy can bring about a host of changes in your body, including an increase in blood volume and hormonal changes that can lead to swollen nasal passages.
This may result in difficulty breathing through the nose, snoring at night, and even frequent nosebleeds. It can be uncomfortable and frustrating for expecting mothers who are already dealing with other common pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and fatigue. The good news is that this condition usually resolves on its own after giving birth or within a few weeks postpartum.
13. Increased Saliva Production
Sounds strange, but It’s real! Also known as ptyalism or sialorrhea, this symptom may not be on many pregnancy checklists, but it affects a significant number of women.
Ptyalism occurs when the salivary glands in the mouth produce excess saliva, leading to constant spitting or drooling. The exact cause of ptyalism during pregnancy is not fully understood, but hormonal changes and an increase in blood flow to the mouth area are believed to play a role.
14. Skin Changes
Your skin may also go through some transformations when you’re expecting. Acne flare-ups, dark patches (melasma), itching on the skin, and stretch marks are all common skin-related symptoms, affecting up to 90% of pregnant women to varying degrees. While some skin changes are temporary and will disappear after giving birth, others may become permanent.
This is due to hormonal changes in your body that can increase oil production and cause skin pigmentation. It’s important to take good care of your skin during pregnancy by keeping it clean, moisturized, and protected from the sun with sunscreen.
15. Leg Cramps
Leg cramps are another lesser-known pregnancy symptom that can occur during the second and third trimesters. These sudden, painful muscle contractions often happen at night and can be quite alarming for expectant mothers.
While the exact cause is not known, it is believed that hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased pressure on leg muscles from carrying extra weight all contribute to these cramps. Additionally, a deficiency in certain minerals such as calcium or magnesium may also play a role.
These were some of the perfect symptoms of pregnancy that that many women experience during their journey to motherhood. Now, let’s talk about some alarming signs as well.
When to See a Doctor

Apart from the above-discussed symptoms, which are not alarming, there are certain signs that require immediate medical attention. Here are some situations when you should see a doctor urgently:
1. Severe or Persistent Symptoms
While many pregnancy symptoms are normal, severe or persistent nausea, vomiting, or dizziness could be signs of a problem. Call your doctor immediately if you can’t keep anything down or feel extremely faint.
2. Vaginal Bleeding or Abdominal Cramps
Vaginal bleeding or cramping during pregnancy can sometimes indicate complications like ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Any bleeding or period-like cramps should be reported to your doctor immediately.
3. Fever or Chills
A fever over 100.4°F (38°C) during pregnancy could potentially be harmful to your baby and may signal an infection. Chills and body aches accompanying a fever are also cause for concern – contact your doctor promptly.
Bottom Line
So, these were the 15 symptoms of pregnancy that can occur during those 9 incredible months. From a missed period and morning sickness to food cravings and dizziness, your body will likely experience its fair share of new sensations.
While not every mom-to-be will have the same symptoms or intensity, try to embrace each one as a sign of the miraculous changes happening within. Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor if any symptoms become severe or concerning. All the best for your motherhood journey.
A Content Writer and Editor by Profession and a Mother by Heart, Meenakshi has over 7 of experience in the digital media landscape. Her expertise spans various niches, focusing on health, parenting, and lifestyle topics. As a mother of one, she brings a unique blend of professional knowledge and personal experience to her writing about pregnancy and motherhood.