What is the Importance of Physical Play in Children?
Why is physical activity important for child development? Do you also have the same question in your mind? Well, the benefits of exercise aren’t limited to adults; they are equally important for children, too. We all know a child’s body is quite fresh and active. It needs to be constantly moving in order to grow and develop properly. And this increases the importance of physical play in children’s lives. It not only helps become strong physically but mentally also.
Want to know what those benefits could be? Today, in this blog, we will know how does exercise affect growth and development of your child. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.
Disclaimer: While writing this blog, I’ve taken different age groups into consideration, and the activities mentioned can be modified accordingly.
What Are Some Key Benefits of Physical Play in Child Development?
We focus on many things during pregnancy to ensure that our child is born physically and mentally fit. However, we cannot deny that we gradually become lazy once they are born. A lazy lifestyle (in childhood or adulthood) can lead to serious health issues if not today, then tomorrow. Hence, keeping your child physically active is always a good habit. Why? Well, here are some key reasons:
1. Strengthens the Heart
You must have heard that the heart is your body’s engine. Just like a car cannot work without its engines, your body cannot work without a healthy heart. With physical activities, your heart becomes stronger in its actions and pumps blood more efficiently throughout the body. This helps your child to stay away from a lot of diseases.
2. Enhances Lung Health
Another importance of physical play in children is the better lung health. The lungs are considered the centerpiece of your respiratory system. When your child exercises, the efficiency of your lungs increases, making it easier to take in more oxygen and expel more carbon dioxide. This helps alleviate the natural reduction of oxygen intake with age.
3. Make Bones Strong
Well, we all know this, but since it’s a crucial point, I had to mention it. Bones, including muscles, become physically stronger when emphasized. Not only this, but some specific exercises boost bone density, keeping your child away from osteoporosis. This is a condition that pushes the bones to become weak.
4. Less Risk of Diabetes
Diabetes is quite common nowadays, not only in adults but also in children. However, with physical activities, it’s possible to lower blood sugar levels. They trigger the muscles to get higher glucose from the bloodstream and use it as an energy source for performance.
5. Maintains Healthy Blood Pressure
Another importance of physical play in children is that exercise or any physical game reduces cholesterol and fats. It helps regulate blood pressure levels, decreases the risk of heart diseases, and keeps your child’s heart healthy.
6. Balances Body Weight
In inactive children and adults, there are higher chances of taking in more calories. And we all know how unhealthy these calories are for our bodies. These calories make body fat, which can cause heart disease and diabetes.
It’s crucial to note that some health risks mentioned above aren’t relevant for children. But healthy habits begin at a young age only.
What Are Some Mental Benefits of Physical Play?
Mental health has become a topmost priority of several people nowadays, and physical activities can also help your child maintain a mental health balance. Here are some of the core advantages:
1. Lesson Stress
Do you also think kids don’t have to deal with bad moods or depression? Well, you’re mistaken. As per the studies, 1.1% of adolescents aged 10–14 years and 2.8% of 15–19-year-olds deal with depression.
However, physical activities can positively affect your child’s mood. As per a theory, exercise increases serotonin in the central nervous system, enhancing well-being, lessening negative feelings, and boosting the appetite.
2. Boosts Brain Power
Many studies showcase the link between neurogenesis and cardiovascular exercise. For those who don’t know what neurogenesis is, it’s the process of building new brain cells that assist in improving overall brand performance. Physical play gives your child an intelligent brain and better memory function.
3. Enhances Self-Confidence
Confidence is one of the essential traits for your child. It gives them wings to fly, say what they want, and do what they actually want to do. So, this leads us to the next importance of physical play in children.
Yes, you cracked it right. Physical exercise in children is a great way to boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Not only this but with some games, your children will also grab leadership skills, which is the icing on the cake.
Different Types of Physical Exercises for Children
You should always be creative when it comes to keeping your child physically active. There are several exercises, and each one of them contributes differently to your child’s health.
Harvard Health Publishing says these four types of exercises, i.e., Aerobic, Flexibility, Strength, and Balance, help your child get the maximum advantages. Let’s find out more about them:
1. Aerobic

Generally known as endurance or cardiovascular exercise, aerobic workouts boost the heart rate. This results in quickened breathing and helps to improve heart function. But ensure that you don’t make it vigorous for your child. So, keep it just to:
For children, these activities do not have to be vigorous and can include:
- Dancing
- Skipping
- Swimming
- Skating
- Climbing
2. Flexibility

Flexibility makes your child’s posture good and strengthens their muscles. Besides, with the growing age, better flexibility improves the capability to perform tasks. Here are some exercises to boost the body’s flexibility:
- Gymnastics
- Play active games
- Yoga
3. Strength

Who doesn’t want to have solid bones and muscles? Your child’s muscular strength allows them to engage in physical activities without getting tired too quickly. Here are some key actions that promote strength:
- Lifting & carrying things like toys or groceries
- Playground actions, such as scaling poles or monkey bars
- Climbing stairs
4. Balance

Balance is everything in life, and with age, the system that helps maintain it starts breaking down. However, some exercises can help you maintain your balance at any age. Balance exercises include:
- Standing on one foot
- Playing hopscotch
- Walking on a balance beam
It’s always good to expose your child to a wide range of physical activities that will help them to stay healthy throughout their lives.
What is the Ideal Time to Do Physical Activities for Children?
Now, you must think, how much physical activity do my children need? The amount of physical activity children require depends on their age. Children ages between 3 and 5 years should stay active throughout the day. Children and adolescents ages 6 and 17 need to be active for an hour daily.
Sounds a lot? Well, not for your child. They may already be fulfilling the suggested physical activity levels. However, you need to ensure that you keep on encouraging them to a healthy lifestyle.
Tips to Encourage Children to be Active
Some children like to play or do physical exercises. However, not all kids are the same. So, in such scenarios, you can encourage them to be active by following these simple tips:
1. Become Their Role Model
Children do what they see. So, you must become their role models. Indulge yourself in some sort of physical activity and make it a part of your lifestyle. This will not only encourage your child but also improve your lifestyle.
2. Do it in a Fun Way
No one wants to get involved in a boring routine. Hence, it’s crucial to make it a little fun. Try to include some games, dares, gifts, or anything you can to make it engaging.
3. Go for Variety
Well, needless to say, doing the same activities daily can make your child bored or less interested. So, try to include a variety of activities like walks, dance, bike rides, sports, etc.
Safe Practices for Physical Activity
Here are some safe practices to consider for physical activity when involving children:
1. Optimal Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines
You cannot ignore the significance of warm-up and cool-down routines. When starting any physical activity, preparing your body for the exertion ahead is crucial. Similarly, you must slowly bring your body back to its resting state after a physical play.
2. Wear the Right Clothes
Another crucial thing to notice is to ensure your children wear the proper clothes before doing any sort of exercise or physical play. This will minimize the discomfort because of heat and sweating. And one thing you can’t ignore here is the shoes. Invest in good quality shoes to avoid any injury.
3. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Water is one of the most essential elements for our body, and staying hydrated is crucial during physical activity. Give your children huge amounts of water to ensure that they stay well-hydrated. Some injuries, like heatstroke, can occur due to dehydration.
Parting Thoughts
That’s all for today. I hope this post has given you a clear idea about the importance of physical play in children. While technology and screens may seem like a convenient way to keep children occupied, it is crucial for their physical, emotional, and mental development that they engage in physical play regularly.
A Content Writer and Editor by Profession and a Mother by Heart, Meenakshi has over 7 of experience in the digital media landscape. Her expertise spans various niches, focusing on health, parenting, and lifestyle topics. As a mother of one, she brings a unique blend of professional knowledge and personal experience to her writing about pregnancy and motherhood.